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Capital Grant Scheme to Re-Open

Capital Grant Scheme to Re-Open

Following the temporary closure of the Capital Grants scheme in November 2024, we’re pleased to share the RPA are reopening the grant later this year.

If you submitted an application and it was put on hold, you don’t need to do anything. Your application will be processed and, if approved, you’ll receive an agreement to complete your works as planned, these applications will not receive a cap on them.

Limits will be set on how much you can apply for in each of the 4 categories. The New limits will be:

£25,000 for water quality

£25,000 for air quality

£25,000 natural flood management

£35,000 for boundaries, trees and orchards

You can apply for a grant in more than one category but only one application per Single Business Identifier (SBI) can be submitted per year. The application window is a rolling one throughout the year.

Contact us for further information:

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