Time to explore payment opportunities!
Jonathan Pickup, Land Agent & Farm Environment Consultant at Mitchells Land Agency & Professional Services, Cockermouth, strongly suggests businesses managing agricultural land must explore their eligibility to enter the now expanded Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) payment options. This will ensure the sustainability of the land they manage and maintain support for sustainable business decisions within the agricultural industry.
The now expanded SFI sees the eligibility for the flexible 3-5 year land management scheme being opened up to anyone who is managing land for agriculture. Closing the void which had previously prevented new farming entrants from applying for agricultural schemes.
The expanded SFI now comprises of 102 actions to choose from. These being designed to support sustainable food production and encourage nature restoration. Payments now cover, precision farming, cover crops, stone wall maintenance, species rich grasslands, agroforestry and new offers for tenant farmers on short term agreements and specific options for upland farmers.
To date, Mitchells have experienced a strong demand for advice. Assisting existing and new clients to enter grant initiatives, to support their land management and farming enterprises.
Our message to you is simple. Explore these expanded options and grant initiatives. As many land managers are already meeting the eligibility criteria being offered, allowing them to achieve a good quality payment scheme. In addition to the SFI, field boundary, yard and water quality works can be met by standalone Hedgerow, Boundary and Water Quality Grants. A payment cap is no longer applied, and so agreements can cover wider projects on land and within steadings. Works which fall into these categories, have been available for some time. They can include yard concreting and roofing of handling areas, middens, slurry stores and established silage stores. All important projects within the farm holding. However, amongst the fields, grant funding can prevent unnecessary runoff from tracks, hard core gateways and put in place drinking troughs especially where water courses have been fenced off to prevent water pollution. We can guide anyone who maybe planning infrastructure projects on their land and maximise financial payments through the current schemes.
Jonny says “We have seen Interest levels in Mitchells Farm & Environmental Advisory increase exponentially in recent months, from both Landlord’s and Tenant’s, particularly in the updated expanded Sustainable Farming incentive and the eagerly awaited Higher Tier Stewardship scheme which deals more with habitat restoration and biodiversity enhancement”. He also states “Land management and occupation is a major concern where agreements have been or are about to be put in place”.
The challenges facing agricultural businesses today may feel heightened and be outweighing previous difficult periods, however this can & should be treated as a time for exploring exciting financial and productivity efficiency opportunities. Whatever your current concerns, we at Mitchells have expert knowledge on a wide range of industry issues . We can assist & advise your business to make the right decisions. Our experienced advisers would be pleased to meet with you, to discuss any of the current changes in the agricultural sector. Get in touch to discuss how we can assist with your future plans n
For further assistance please call Jonathan Tel: 01900 822016 or mobile 07936 947810
www.mitchellslandagency. co.uk